Adding Travel to the Blog + Denver, CO 02/2018
Hey y’all! I’ve been dreaming of traveling the US with my little family of 5 and decided I want to blog about it so I can always keep our experiences and photos together and share with my readers. I’m excited to start this new section of my blog!
So I give you..... Travel Blog Post #1: Denver,CO
The main purpose of this trip is to visit Justin’s family up in Conifer, Co which is west of Denver. We left at 7:30 Thursday morning and the kids have done wonderfully! We haven’t had any meltdowns or complaining thus far and it’s been great. We took our first stop 2 hours in at Texline and grabbed a family photo while stretching our legs.

So I give you..... Travel Blog Post #1: Denver,CO
The main purpose of this trip is to visit Justin’s family up in Conifer, Co which is west of Denver. We left at 7:30 Thursday morning and the kids have done wonderfully! We haven’t had any meltdowns or complaining thus far and it’s been great. We took our first stop 2 hours in at Texline and grabbed a family photo while stretching our legs.
Texline pit stop & the CO state line
Oh, the magic of being a child! Their excitement when they saw the snow capped mountains was so precious and fun to see as a mama!
We spent the week up the mountain at Justin's parents (AKA Peepaw and Elisi's). They got to feed the chickens and ponies every day and even got to play in the snow.
Archie's 6 month photos
We went to dinosaur ridge in Morrison, CO and went on a walk to find some dino footprints and look for fossils. Silas picked a bag of sand full of fossils instead of a toy and had a blast sorting and identifying them with his grandparents.
We headed east to Fort Morgan for a day to spend with the kid's great grandparents, aunts and cousins. Its always so fun to get cousins together!
Speaking of, we found out on this trip that were having another niece!! Alex and Brian and Alyssa and Jordan are both dude with girls this summer making FIVE NIECES for Justin and I!! Love those babies so much!
Trip to the mall
Day at the house
We got to try Vietnamese Pho (Pronounced fu.. like in fun. News to me!)
The kids are finally at an age where they will start remembering our travels and I'm just so excited to show them the world and start exploring even the cool things in the area we live. So keep watching for more adventures here!
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