
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Birth of Archie Watson

Twenty two days. It has been 22 days since my life has been flipped upside down by the arrival of the newest member of our family. He is a precious bundle of joy who's entrance to this world changed so much of my preconceived notions about what birth in a hospital looks like. But our journey started long before 22 days ago. You can read about my difficult pregnancy and transition out of midwifery care into medical care  here.  I felt from the very beginning of the pregnancy and all throughout that this baby was going to bring peace to me & our home, even when it was so challenging! The end of Archie's pregnancy was my hardest yet- the first of the three where I felt so DONE so early on. There were days where I cried to Justin and my best friend that I couldn't keep going. It was, hands down, the most difficult pregnancy I've had yet. And on top of it, I had no clue what to expect when it came to his birth.  I started having prodromal labor (a type of labor th...