Scarlett's First Month

Our little love was born on a Monday and Justin got to stay home with us the first week. We spent our first days resting and taking herbal baths together, just getting to know one another and learning to breastfeed. Scarlett got to celebrate her first Christmas at only two days old! We went to our family's houses on Christmas Eve and again on Christmas Day. Silas had a blast and the rest of us....well, we made it! Ha! I was so exhausted that I hardly remember the holiday. I told Justin... Summer babies from here on out! Since our surprise gender baby ended up being a girl, we needed lots of girl things! We made a trip to Amarillo the Saturday after she was born to pick up pajamas, blankets, bows & other girly necessities. It was an exhausting trip for Mama! Once the following week started, we began making calls to start the process of getting her birth certificate and ssn. The local courthouse told us we would need to go to Amarillo to ...