Silas' home birth story
So excited to finally get to share my birth story! I will give as much detail as I can remember! Friday, October 5th was homecoming for the Perryton Rangers football team and Justin and I took our last date (unknowingly) as a married couple without kids to the game that night. We came home and watched tv until about 1:00 am. Terrible decision. 4:30am of October 6th gets here and my water breaks. I was 40 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I wanted to be sure it was really my water so I laid back down for a while and timed my contractions. They were about 30-45 seconds long about about 2 minutes apart but definitely feeling different than the Braxton Hicks contractions that I had gotten so used to. After I decided I was probably in real labor, I got up and spent some time on my birth ball and called the midwife. She is 2 hours away so she said she would head over soon. I let Justin sleep until about 6:00am because I wanted to make sure he had SOME rest for the journey we had ahead. I went int...