Summer 2013 Family Photos

My mom is a professional photographer so we get photos made of Silas quite often. Family pictures are a different story. We haven't had family photos made since Silas was first born so we decided it was time. I really wanted some nice sunset pictures and we ended up running out of sunlight way faster than we expected! I'm still super happy with how they turned out though. We are planning on taking some more in a week or so just to make sure we got everything but I wanted to go ahead and post my favorites now! In these photos, Justin is 24, I'm 22 & Silas is 10.5 months old. So I am going on a new personal adventure- dreadlocks! I was waiting to take these pictures to really get going but I'm ready to start really putting them in! I am super excited about the change! I'll write my next post on why I made the decision and all the details. That's all for now though!! Goodnight all! Brittany