
Showing posts from June, 2012

Las Vegas 21st + Gender Reveal and more

Well much has happened since the last time I've blogged! We have taken a trip to Las Vegas for my birthday in March, a trip to Dallas in the first week of May to find out baby's gender, finished the hardest semester of college I've EVER had, had a gender reveal party with our closest family and friends,took a trip to Denver this past weekend to visit with Justin's family and celebrated Justin's 23rd birthday and our 2 year anniversary last week! Not to mention that work has been crazy busy with all of the graduating high school seniors! Oh, and we bought a car in the mix there somewhere too! I'll post some photos of our adventures from the past few months just to catch y'all up! Vegas was an absolute blast!! Justin & I even came home with some extra cash!! Yay for blackjack!:) Our first sonogram in Dallas at 18 weeks!!   One of the photos from our gender reveal party (I'll write a whole post later on the party)   ...