New home + New midwife//2012

Well the past two weeks have just been CRAZY for the Cole family! We found out about baby two weeks ago today, Justin started a whole new job, we (after many many prayers) finally got a duplex and have painted it and moved in, and met with a midwife in Amarillo. Whew! The idea of having a new addition has really begun to sink in and we are both more and more excited every day. It's so fun to talk with Justin about dreams for our family. We get to talk about how we want to decorate the nursery and what baby names we love and I get all dreamy eyed every time we pass Babies R Us and the crib aisle in Wal-Mart. It is just a blast. Justin was working at our local bank as a teller but it really wasn't working out so he got a job working for the city. He has worked for just over a week and so far he really likes it. Justin really enjoys getting to spend time outside (except for today because it's cold, windy and snowing!!). I am so proud of him taking on a whole new...